You Don’t Start at the Top

You Don’t Start At The Top

It’s proven, mules mature physically and mentally at a slower pace than horses do. However, being hybrids, it is also proven they are smarter than both their parents. Yes, that means they are smarter than the horse (a given, because horses can be forced or bossed around into doing a task) and they are smarter than the donkey, who is a thinking machine in their own species.

So, while some mule owners get impatient about the training process, that is when the roadblocks start showing up in their schooling efforts.

Everyone wants to be at the top. The time and effort put into the equation may cause some people to give up. Because with time and effort, you will make mistakes. You have to make mistakes, in order to learn. You might make a career change and try something new, or you may become hard on yourself for not making accomplishments at the pace you so desire.

And, slamming someone for their own mistakes is not a part of the working solution. This is so unsettling to me, because as humans, we tend to resort to using cheap tactics by becoming “Keyboard Karens.” I don’t dare let my mules have access to the computer, because they do know so much! Being assertive is one thing, but becoming a Keyboard Karen is not cool at all.

With all kidding aside, as humans, we can get better at our work…provided we learn from our mistakes. Quite simply, if we don’t learn from our errors, lessons are repeated until they are learned! That’s the Karma wrapped up in the Universe. It’s a big world out there and the Universe is endless.

As trainers or instructors in the mule industry, we don’t start at the top. At times, we will fail. We desire to show our best videos and photos that make us look like mule superstars, never do we show our bloopers. Dang! That opens the gate for “Keyboard Karens” to cut us down! Which brings to my mind the real fascinating stuff to this article.

Mules don’t take to internet bullying tactics. They have no interest in “Keyboard Karens” and they don’t show off muscle or “strength” to impress themselves or in an attempt to get outside approval. Mules comply to their barnyard rules of conduct, known as the pecking order. In this scenario, size doesn’t matter. The 2,500 pound draft mule is generally easy-going and follows through with the herd boss. What matters is the herd will stick together; this makes the herd structure stronger and well protected from predators. Stick with me, there’s a lesson here: mule trainers, instructors, and riders with integrity, show respect for other trainers/riders and offer assistance where needed. They won’t slam others and they show a high regard for others wherever their journey takes them.

As a side note: you can talk bad or take a slam at them from your keyboard as often or long as you want on social media. You know what? You just made an ass of yourself. And yes, the pun is intended. (wink.)

The Adventures of Bronco Laura

True Tales of Adventure from a Desperate Mid-West Housewife

True tales of adventure recorded in this book have all the elements of a good, trashy Western movie: sexy cowboys, athletic mules, runaway horses, more sexy cowboys, western action, and flirty cowgirls with cleavage that are revved up on margaritas. True escapades that have happened around the summer, steamy barn and on the trail, humorous, and witty. Available in perfect bound and instant download.

The Adventures of Bronco Laura: True Tales of Hysteria from a Desperate Mid-West Housewife – Kindle edition by Roberts, Cindy K. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

The Performance Bred Saddle Mule

Breeding of American Jackstock & Jennies

Introduction by Meredith Hodges, of the Lucky Three Ranch, Loveland, Colorado. Includes breeding contracts. Inaccuracies on breeding defined.

This book is dedicated to breeders, exhibitors, and the donkey and mule owners who strive for a better-performance breeding program that will favorably dominate the mule world.


In conclusion: educating the equine breeding industry is our responsibility to ensure a better future for the all-around saddle mule. In short, mules with good minds make safer mounts and mules with excellent conformation will stay in service longer as compared to those that are weak or lacking. This means, the mule will have a much better future to be in service. It is also critical to document and register the jack sires in the industry.

Overbreeding is not desirable; those dedicated to the professional mule industry are careful about their breeding standards. Mules destined for the kill pen is not a pretty picture.

The future for the performance-bred saddle mule is in our hands; the overwhelming support coming from the mule world is phenomenal! Let’s work together and keep it going! ~Cindy K. Roberts

Available in full color 8 1/2 x 11 perfect bound and instant download from Amazon books: The Performance Bred Saddle Mule: Breeding of American Jackstock & Jennies (Color Copy): Roberts, Cindy K, Hodges, Meredith: 9781796601664: Books

Life Lessons from a Rodeo Cowgirl

1994 World Champion Bull Rider, Melissa Phillips took life by the horns and rode her way to the top.

Her titles include:

  • 1985 Cowboys Regional Rodeo Association Best Dressed Cowgirl of the Finals.
  • 1992 Reserve World Champion
  • 1992 Rough Stock Rookie of the year
  • 1993 Women’s Pro Bull Riding Champion
  • 1994 Challenge of Champions—Invitational only
  • 1994 Reserve World Champion Bull Rider
  • 1995 National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Nominee
  • 1995 National Cowgirl Hall of Fame Rough Stock Champion
  • 1996 Producer of 5 Bud Light Cowgirl Classics held at the Allen Ranch  Bixby, Oklahoma dedicated to Domestic Violence Intervention Service
  • 1996 Bud Light Cowgirl Classic Bull Riding Champion
  • 1997 1st Woman Bull Rider on Super Bull Tour
  • 1998 1st Woman Bull Rider World’s Toughest Tour
  • 2006 1st Woman Bull Rider Longhorn Rodeo Tour
  •  Rough Stock High Mark Ride of 3 Finals

Read her life story – available at Amazon books. Life Lessons from A Rodeo Cowgirl: Taking Life by The Horns: Roberts, Cindy K, Phillips, Melissa Geller: 9781523664627: Books