Mules, Mule Talk the podcast, mule training books by Cindy K Roberts
Author: Cindy K Roberts
Cindy K. Roberts has a lifetime experience with training horses and mules; riding the family pony at age 2 was the beginning. Her grandfather, Lieutenant Wilton Willmann a sharpshooter and muleskinner of the U.S. Army Cavalry (stationed in Fort Riley, Camp Perry, Fort Leavenworth circa 1924) gifted her with the insight on mules; and the desire to study and work with them. Shooting firearms and working with horses and mules was desired and expected in the family.
Cindy is host of Mule Talk! The podcast about mules. She enjoys the western way of life, educating new mule owners in working with their own mules, hosting mule events, and documenting her own adventures in keeping the cowgirl spirit alive.
The Care & Guide Plan for My Animals upon My Death
A comprehensive guide and plan book for mule and horse owners who want proper care for their livestock, in the event of illness, injury or death. Includes a yearly calendar – timeline of what to schedule and expect throughout the year. The material in this book was compiled to pass on critical information to the new caretaker of a farm and livestock. Ideal for mule and horse owners, barn managers, and families of livestock owners. Book includes documents and forms, a barn maintenance checklist, a horse trailer maintenance checklist, an equine emergency evacuation plan, information regarding filing a trust, will, and estate planning.
Available on Amazon or other participating book outlets.
The author shares endearing and humorous words of wisdom from her time spent working with mules and donkeys over the years. Featuring meaningful life tips to strengthen and wake up the spiritual cowgirl soul in everyone. Inspirational stories shared from the author’s journey to develop her personal growth. Available at Amazon books or other book outlets.
In the summertime, my siblings and I gentled colts for our dad, put miles on them so Dad could sell them; he had five kids to feed. Dad knew we would stay out of trouble by saddling horses and doing barn chores. We climbed on ponies, horses, and colts and put time on them.
A couple of years later, my older brother timed it just right, to run to the barn (after I saddled a horse that I had been working) he would pull me out of the saddle, jump on, and gallop off to impress his girlfriend. Our parents didn’t get involved, because there was a corral filled with horses, the option was simple: quit whining and go saddle another horse. (And, yes, they all needed work.)
This pretty much was my childhood, I couldn’t take on my bigger and older brother, so I saddled another green horse and got it to working along. That’s how I got my horse smarts; oh, my butt hit the ground a few times, but that is a part of the learning process.
Then little sister came along, and wanted her turn to ride, so we put a bucking strap on this young horse and bucked him out, took the strap off, then, we let little “Wendy” get on and ride. Here’s to childhood horse adventures. Cheers and don’t let your saddle get cold.
Not since Belle Starr took the title of Bandit Queen, did a rumble take place in the mule jumping industry. Move over guys, Cyndi Nelson the Mule Jumping Queen is in town with her jumping mules. An amazing and strong woman with grit, Cyndi Nelson became involved with jumping mules thirteen years ago and she is a proven showstopper that has a GET ‘ER DONE attitude. From Cameron, Missouri and recognized as a pro-jumper, Cyndi is a serious competitor and is well respected at the mule jumping events. Pro-jumpers have been competing for several years and clearing 50-70 inches. No doubt, Cyndi has made her way in the mule jumping world.
However, since chauvinism can pop up out of nowhere, originally, the men were known to snicker in the background at Cyndi; and the condescending well-wishers were in for another life lesson. Cyndi Nelson is here to jump her mules, collect a few bucks, shake some hands, then head back home. A well-played class act and Cyndi doesn’t cut back on rehearsals either.
Dedicated to the sport, Cyndi became involved in training mules for jumping, and it doesn’t stop there. She also purchased a couple of mules and gifted them to her son and daughter. While most barn mothers buy boots for their kids, instead, Cyndi takes a road trip to check out the best mule jumping prospects, to buy for her and her family. (Now that’s a really cool mom to have.)
How did this craziness of mule jumping get started? Years ago, the mule jumping sport evolved from nighttime raccoon hunts in an effort to control a troublesome raccoon population. Add hunting dogs to the mix, bring your duster or blanket to cover the barb wire fence for your mule to jump, don’t forget the lanterns and jerky, and you are in for an evening of plain old, rowdy amusement.
Jumping competitions vary: some require the mules to wear saddles. At Pea Ridge, the mules are bare backed. Once a mule walks up to the jumping barrier, it has three minutes to jump.
The mule has two tries to clear the barrier without knocking it down. Trainers can not touch the mule. They must get the mule to jump by using word commands. The handler can hold the reins and tug them. If an owner is caught mistreating a mule, he is disqualified.
Mules are eliminated until only one remains and that mule continues to jump until it reaches its limit. The mule seems to know instinctively when that limit is reached because it just won’t jump any more.
Three jumping events are held: for mules under 51-inches tall, over 51-inches tall and professional jumpers. Sometimes, when there is time, a green jump is held. The green jump is for mules just learning to jump.
What makes a mule ideal for jumping? Cyndi explains, “First, the participant/handler has to be athletic, the mule should be high strung, athletic, and not drafty.” Cyndi will work with a mule jumping prospect two weeks to thirty days; after two weeks, Cyndi knows if it has the mentality to become a good jumping mule.
Cyndi Nelson does not use force to get her mules to jump, she explains, “Aggressive training does not work, they will rebel against you. You don’t want to start them out too young…at age four, their legs are more developed and the mule has less chance for injury in the long run. Give them time to become an athlete. I use pvc pipe when training prospects and for thirty-minute sessions only. I want the mules to enjoy it, I encourage them, and rewards used are treats, I communicate with them the whole time they are in the arena.” Cyndi will evaluate the mule to determine what will suit the mule best. Not all mules are candidates to becoming athletic jumping mules. When that happens, Cyndi finds good homes for them. Jumping mules require a mentality, a driven temperament, a WANT to do it is in their soul.
Cyndi knows personally, that gelding mules are easier to train; she has found that the mare mules have an attitude. Also, Cyndi and her family do not ride their jumping mules, their jumping string is used for nothing but jumping. The desirable attitude for the jumping mule is to be hyped up and gamey, you want them to enjoy their craft. If a mule fails to be an athlete at jumping, then they are tried at packing, perhaps becoming a rider as well to where Cyndi can re-home the mule with a loving family.
As for as diet, Cyndi Nelson feeds her mules according to their personal needs. Higher protein is fed to the jumping mules; who are wired and ready to go. As a precaution, sometimes splint boots are used on the younger mules to add protection. She is protective of her mules and stays with them for added security. Sleeping in a stall at state fairs as a precaution is part of the job.
How long can you jump a mule? Cyndi explains, “As long as they want to. Mule burnout can occur if you jump one too much, they will mentally burnt out. There’s a couple of mules out there that are approaching being burnt out, when they reach that point, you send them out to pasture. Career wise, a mule can jump twenty-plus years.”
Injuries? Cyndi Nelson says, “They can pull muscles, there is knee stress.” But the heart and soul of a jumping mule is priceless. Cyndi’s mule, “Kitty” loves to jump, all Cyndi has to do is hold onto the rope and Kitty will take off and fly with it.
Cyndi will assist others with their riding mules to be a better mount. Her jumping teachings are used on the trail and she has ties to the Mafia Mules on Facebook, aka Crooked Creek Mule Co, and on TikTok where Cyndi has a following. No doubt, Cyndi is an inspiration to the mule world, and her desire is, to get more women involved in the mule community that has previously been a man-driven world. “We deserve to be noticed,” says Cyndi, “that would be great to get more women involved in the mule jumping community.” Cyndi Nelson is packed up and ready to go; and boys…if you want to take her on, please show up on time. [Cyndi Nelson can be contacted through Facebook.]
Your mindset depicts on how you view the world, your environment, the people you interact with; in other words, it portrays your ability to process information. Keep this in mind; mules are very adamant in their thinking. It’s black and white, accepting or not; and this is why mules are referred to as being strong-willed. If you use the word stubborn, you can add single-minded to the following list of undesirable traits found in some equine trainers:
Bloody-minded (those British are humorous aren’t they?)
Contumacious (yes, I had to look this one up)
Recalcitrant – go ahead, look it up. 😉
Set in one’s ways
Would you choose a trainer with these traits to work with your mule? And, after hiring a trainer to work with your mule, are you involved and participating as well? If not, you would be wise to be involved with your mule’s training. You see, mules develop quirks from a negative incident that the mule willnot forget. Even though mules are forgiving of your mistakes, a mule knows if you are working with him or not. Successful mule handlers recognize each mule as an individual and address challenges in a resistance-free approach. Successful mule trainers know that choosing the shortest training process to get results doesn’t produce a safe and willing mule. So the 30, 60, 90 day rule of horse training will not apply successfully with mules. Developing a partnership is the most desirable and successful training method to use when working with mules.
Oh, the undesirable traits listed in this article? My grandfather was in charge of the mules in the U.S. Army Cavalry back in 1924. Yes, he was a mule-skinner. He wasn’t nice about his training methods either, when working with the mules. Chauvinistic and domineering, he smoked horrible-smelling cigars and he loved his whiskey. Yes, I was introduced to his rough start at mule training. However, I spent a lifetime of learning how to work with mules in a positive way. So, as a result, we can learn from the abusive training techniques that were used and become successful mule handlers during this process.
We can check our attitude before we put our boots on to head to the barn. Make sure your heart and mind are in a good place before you leave your front porch. Before my feet hit the floor in the morning, I thank God for another day and for blessing my life with mules. My heart and soul belong to the mule.
After being tagged in several posts on social media about Cochise, I looked at the humane society post regarding his background. He did have an interesting rap sheet; most mules being adopted out have a record. Some are put on probation and after several months of good behavior, they are released back into society in hopes of becoming a productive citizen. (Prison talk.)
After reading the history of Cochise, I was intrigued, so I convinced my sister, that “we needed this mule.” The documented report of shenanigans involving Cochise made it clear, that he was a clown looking for a circus. That was the deal-breaker for me, I am all about having fun, and if it isn’t fun, I will make it lively and humorous. (wink)
We hauled the stock trailer to pick up Cochise when his counselor…I mean trainer, met us. She reported, that Cochise occasionally ran off, leaving his handler dangling on the end of the leadline after he thought better of a situation involving having to do a new task. And of course, while being led back to his paddock, there were times the barn aisle looked spooky; and running off into the distance seemed to be the right answer to Cochise. That’s reasonable, mules aren’t about to take unnecessary risks; it made sense to me.
I signed the papers, and we “lured” Cochise into the stock trailer. Heading back, we made a brief stop at Taco Bell, I ordered tacos, and Cochise ordered the nachos with cheese. The red-headed mule enjoyed the drive-thru option, he stuck his nose against the slats in the trailer to get a whiff of the girls working at the window; they passed the sniff test and made over him while he batted those dreamy-looking eyes.
We’re back at the barn, it’s cold and windy; it didn’t take long for Cochise to arouse interest from the other barn occupants. Family introductions unfolded while we unloaded the new mule on that cold, windy day; somehow, while introducing Cochise, talking through my ski mask, the muffled tone I projected, sounded like, “His name is Goat Cheese.” The girls at the barn giggled while repeating “Hello Goat Cheese,” I didn’t want to waste my breath on that frosty day to explain his real name, so I just left it at that.
Now Goat Cheese’s real personality started to come through. He kept a social calendar; he was the first to arrive at the barn cocktail party and Goat Cheese was always ready for the next dance. We developed a routine of haltering the new guy, grooming, and working on his ground manners. Goat Cheese liked giving hugs and he also liked biting your butt while giving a hug. I think it was his way of showing affection, so I was grateful for Carharts and long underwear as a layer of protection. Part of his weekly duties included being filmed for the Mule Talk commercials. This added to Goat Cheese’s popularity and he developed a following on Facebook.
In early spring, wearing my crash helmet, I rode him in the round pen for a test drive. Cochise rode green, which was to be expected, with a couple of quick starts, and a zoom here and there; it was like riding the rollercoaster at the amusement park, but never leaving the farm. Then the pipeline labor crew started coming around, meaning they needed access to drive their equipment through the barn property. Cochise lost his focus so the logical thing to do was to revert to his ground training. With all the tractor and machinery activity, Cochise took me land skiing a couple of times; I hung in there, after brushing myself off and patching the holes in my Wranglers, it was clear that Cochise aka Goat Cheese, was going to be stuck in the 3rd grade for a long, long while.
It was important to me, to have Goat Cheese moving forward…unemployment just doesn’t set well with me, so I reached out to a friend who was interested in Goat Cheese from the time he was put up for adoption. Her name is Patti; I rode with Patti in the Gila Mountain Wilderness and knew her as a confident and skilled rider. I also learned she recently had to retire her older mule and was heartbroken from losing her dog recently. I brought Patti up to date on Goat Cheese. Patti texted back and said she would be delighted to come and check out “Cream Cheese.” I thought this was too funny, this mule is getting smoother and smoother as far as cheese goes.
My friend, Patti Sears drove from Oklahoma to Missouri with her stock trailer; we greeted each other on the gravel road, and after telling each other how good we looked, we went to the barn for introductions. As I predicted, Goat Cheese and Patti made that instant connection. I knew then, that Goat Cheese was going to be OK.
Patti is meeting Cochise.
As per our agreement, I gifted Goat Cheese to Patti. Mules make the perfect gift to the right person. The right person is one with patience and a mindset to work with mules.
Patti was in tears; this was a new beginning for her and Goat Cheese. Of course, the agreement with the adoption agency is that I still own him and I am responsible for his upkeep and care. I’m good with that too. That way I can visit Goat Cheese and spend time with Patti too.
Goat Cheese standing guard.
Patti keeps me updated about Goat Cheese’s progress. He has a place at her ranch in Oklahoma, where he made friends with all the barnyard critters. He holds the job of watching over the newborn foal, and his visitors are plenty. Patti works Cochise in the round pen, he now loads freely into his stock trailer and will soon graduate from the 3rd grade. He takes watch over the ranch, standing on top of his ridge. Oh yes and by the way, Cochise has a twin, that will be harnessed and driving next to him. Once again, life is good on the farm and I feel warm and fuzzy for Goat Cheese and Patti.
Working with a mule that is distracted; it can easily be a herd member calling out to another when working with your mule in the round pen. Or it can be, that he’s very aware of new things that have been moved around the barn, a baggy blowing in the breeze…you get my drift. Some mules quickly look for the exit door when learning a new task requiring intense concentration. Knowing this, I keep the lesson short and reward on the slightest try. The focus here is keeping things favorable for the mule. Mule trainers recognize this and implement the resistance-free training methods with the reward system.
Performance-bred mules are quick on their feet. This mule was a challenge to keep focused on learning a new task.
As mule trainers, we know how to work around livestock. The work is never easy but that’s why we do it. Sure, you sweat when training a horse, but horses can be pushed around, mules simply won’t tolerate it. It takes a mindset to work with them, the mind games, testing you, questioning your resume… every day is like appearing on a game show, going up against the champion.
Well pal, it’s like this. You signed up for this. There’s no whining, and you have the tenacity and grit to do this. As a trainer, you know that working with clients in the mule industry is demanding. You are putting your reputation on the line. It’s part of the job, it goes with the territory and you choose to be a winner.
As mule trainers, it is important that you recognize a distraction as just that, a distraction. When working hard at a project, we are emotionally involved and focused on getting the job done in a timely manner. If family members are involved in our work environment, we could be challenged with a situation, and things can get difficult. Criticism is not well received when working hard, feeling pressured, and pushing yourself to succeed. Not only are you dedicated to your work, but you are sincere, on the level, and forthright about your career moves. You play by the rules.
Well, not everyone plays by the rules. And now, it can get sticky. Aside from not liking it, you are aggravated in the process and the pressure takes over to a point where you feel like lashing out or calling him or her out. In the Old West, when calling out someone, you would meet your rival out in the dusty street with your six-shooter strapped on. You took up playing the piano to keep your trigger finger ready. Hmm…
Truly, in today’s world, this is a distraction to your success and doesn’t deserve your time and energy. Distractions are such energy drainers, that your time is better spent on moving forward with your business plan. As professionals working in the mule trade, we strive to focus on the things that matter most. We are concerned with:
Round pen training is ideal when introducing a new task to the mule.
Positive growth in the mule industry.
Moving forward and keeping our energy positive.
Keeping business records current and organized.
Taking time off when needed to refresh our own business persepctive.
Staying committed to our training program.
Training mules through an honest approach and not by trickery or deceit.
Respecting livestock and providing care for them.
Developing a partnership with our mules to gain their trust.
Working with clients in the field, one-on-one to address their concerns.
Living and working by a code of conduct that builds on our integrity.
Renewing our strength to remain driven and focused.
Documenting what works and learning from our mistakes.
Positively using the social media platform in a positive manner to promote the mule industry.
Surrounding ourselves with friends and family that support our dreams.
Passing on our knowledge to others in hopes they will keep our mule legacy ongoing.
Establishing a reliable team with a skillset in training mules, to assist when needed.
Being supportive to others in the mule industry.
Challenging ourselves to perform better.
We can easily become hard on ourselves for different reasons. Working as professionals in the mule industry is not easy, but we accept the challenges and have a work ethic. An ethic we are proud of.
Your strength and commitment is needed. It’s not all glory and glamour, we know this. It’s tough, the entire mule industry requires a winning attitude. Your passion for mules will drive you. You’re the one that our youth look up to. They want to be just like you! Your high-profile and notariety is recognized. Your character is exceptional and you reflect on your potential and ability to remain positive in the mule industry. Stay focused, maintain your integrity, and don’t allow distractions to overcome your own success…the mules need you.
Mule girls are special; they’re tough, competitive, whimsical, sassy, creative, compassionate, and above all…they have grit. You, the mule girl, know who you are in every sense and you don’t question your abilities. Your essential qualifications…your skill set is unmatched, yet you work at improving your expertise. You hope for the best and expect the worst; it’s life and you accept difficult situations with a definitive strategy.
Your wardrobe consists of boots, chaps, and cowboy hats…it’s you. Your Wranglers® fit you well. Turquoise is your stone; you are surrounded by the scent of leather. You are loyal to the care of your saddle and tack; yes, you’re a mule girl…laundromats fear you.
The road is never-ending for a mule girl…you live each day with adventure. Your truck and trailer is hooked up for the next mule rodeo. You live your life as though you are on a mission. You answer to the call of the untamed wilderness. You step up to make a difference; like a town tamer looking for action, you accept the challenge and pin on the badge…because mule girls are cowgirl tough and dedicated to helping those in need.
Cindy K. Roberts
Friendship isn’t taken lightly with a mule girl. You live by a code, the Mule Girl Code.
Mule girls live with honesty, fairness, integrity, respect, and compassion.
Mule girls ride for the brand. It identifies your commitment to the cause.
Mule girls are patriotic.
Mule girls have respect for the wilderness.
Mule girls care for livestock and mules, their needs come first.
Mule girls support each other, giving strength and comfort when needed.
Mule girls keep a list and engage in the upkeep of the barn, tack, truck, and trailers.
Mule girls share their knowledge with others.
Mule girls show compassion and love to all animals.
Mule girls welcome a challenge without adding drama.
Mule girls have a sense of humor surrounding their everyday life with their mules.
Tara Streck
Mule girls make the best of cloudy days and dance in the rain. You dance with your mules and make snow angels on a winter’s day. You talk to cows in the nearby pasture, stretching the truth, you reassure them you eat salad only. Mule girls celebrate National Mule Day on October 26 to showcase and bring awareness to all mules. But honestly, everyday is mule day to the mule girl. Your mule girl training is steadfast and your mule girl record shows, you are undefeated.
Mule girls dwell on strength, whining is never an option. You know that every challenge placed before you, is God’s way of making you stronger. You know that storms never last, and the rainbow after the torrentuous rain, signals to the mule girl, there is a new day coming; a new beginning, and once again…you will be chasing your dream. Because the call of the wild, the whispers in the wind…never end.
Here’s to all the mule girls out there, my hat is off to you. (smile.)