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The Whoa-Mule Bridle
I don't sell snake-oil. I don't promote quick-fixes to mule issues. I sell the Whoa Mule Bit to work with riders/handlers with educated hands. That's why I wrote the book, "Retraining the Hard-Mouth Mule" which comes with your purchase; not every mule is a candidate for the Whoa Mule Lariat Noseband Bit. Every mule is unique and they deserve to be schooled and used in their best capacity.
~ Cindy K. Roberts
The hardware works underneath the jaw area on the mule. When rein pressure is applied, the hardware applies pressure underneath the jaw working in conjunction with the noseband that pulls the mule's nose back down to where it should be.
This is an effective piece of equipment to use in your training program. Once your mule has overcome his bit behavior issues, you can go back to using a bit that your mule likes or you may keep using the Whoa Mule Hackamore bridle. More mules prefer using the Whoa Mule Hackamore Noseband over having a bit placed in their mouth.
Read how mule riders/handlers have benefited from using the Whoa Mule bit!
Need help in ordering? Call or text Cindy K Roberts 314-971-0208
- Bosal or Hackamore – Explain the difference
- What the Whoa Mule Lariat Noseband is designed to do as a training tool
- How to measure your mule for the lariat noseband
- Read the reviews!
- Not every mule is a candidate for the Whoa Mule Bit
- Behavior issues are usually caused from the animal acting out from pain
- Horse bits are made for horses.
- A mule's tongue and throat latch is thicker. A proper fitted bit is a must.
- Call or text 314-971-0208 to find out if your mule qualifies.
- Why? Because I want your mule to be happy in the bridle.
What first time mule owners have to say:
Cindy, thanks for sending the Whoa Mule bridle. I've been a horse person all my life, this is my first mule. Much to our surprise, he was very responsive with flexing already. The noseband will need to be adjusted but he did well today. Thanks for your support. ~Travis Swift, Oklahoma
Whoa Mule Lariat Noseband
$85.00 plus shipping (includes book ----> )
22 inch to 28 inch bit sizes available
Ships USPS Priority
Every Whoa Mule Bridle or Whoa Mule Bit purchase includes a free copy of Retraining the Hard Mouth Mule by Cindy K Roberts. Complete instructions on proper use and how to fit/adjust your bridle.